
Stock code:833749



 Your Location :  HomeEquipment Audio Box
  • Introduction
  • Technical Index
  • Feature
  • Application

Audio Box, mainly used for the mobile phones’  audio test, can effectively sor t out the defective phones  with all kinds of audio problems such as silence,  murmur,  abnormal sound, too big or too small volume.

Test Framework & Field Model

e.g.Acoustic and Electromagnetic Loopback Test

SPK: audio card→product SPK sound

→MIC collection→audio card→

sof tware analysis

Testing Inter face


Audio Box, mainly used for the mobile phones’  audio test, can effectively sor t out the defective phones  with all kinds of audio problems such as silence,  murmur,  abnormal sound, too big or too small volume.

Test Framework & Field Model

e.g.Acoustic and Electromagnetic Loopback Test

SPK: audio card→product SPK sound

→MIC collection→audio card→

sof tware analysis

Testing Inter face

Technical Index


772X414X630 MM

Sweep Range


Measurement Mode

Sweep Frequency/Single Frequency

Shielding Effect


NTF Yield



Audio Box can improve  the quality  of our customers’ products  and concequently improve  their reputation. Fur thermore, audio box, with stabitity, reliability and simplicity of operation, can increase  the production

efficiency and reduce the operating strength  of workers.


it’s used for the audio test of small-sized eletronics.

. Speaker  Test

. Receiver  Test

. Main-MIC Test

. Second  MIC Test

. The Motor Vibration Test

Previous: The manual shield-box
Next: MMI TEST system
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