
Stock code:833749



 Your Location :  HomeEquipment OIS testing system
  • Introduction

With increasing requirement for mobile phone camera from the user, efficiency and  quality  control  of  manual  testing  already  can’t  satisf y manufacture’s demand. That’s why we research  and popularize this automatic operation and high efficiency equipment for testing  camera.

This camera testing equipment can simulate photographing environment and test  black  dot, bright  dot, uniformity, resolution, OIS and various other defects of the front and rear mobile phone cameras automatically.

Testing content
Near focus testing  of rear camera
.Distance between rear camera  and testing  char t is 100mm.
.Testing  items:  color reproduction, camera  displacement and rotation, focalization.

Far focus testing  of rear camera
.Distance between rear camera  and testing  char t is 310—340mm.
.By using prismatic lens, it can simulate to take picture away from 3-5m.
.Testing  items:  color reproduction, camera  displacement and rotation, focalization.

Photograph of front camera
.The front camera  is 300mm away from the testing  char t.
.Testing  items:  color reproduction, camera  displacement and rotation, focalization.

White board photograph of front camera
.Take picture  of the uniform white board.
.Testing  items:  black dot, black gobbet, abnormal picture, lightness uniformity, color temperature

Black board photograph of rear camera
.Take picture  of the black board.
.Testing  items:  bright  dot, bright  gobbet, abnormal picture

Black board photograph of front camera
.Take picture  of the black board.
.Testing  items:  bright  dot, bright  gobbet, abnormal picture

Flashlight testing  of rear camera  in near focus
.Turn on flashlight and use sensor  to test its brightness and color.

Gray card testing
.Adjust  the exposure.

White board photograph of rear camera
.Take picture  of the uniform white board.
.Testing  items:  black dot, black gobbet, abnormal picture, lightness uniformity, color temperature.

OIS testing
.Simulate vibration of X and Y axis by 1° and  take picture  away from 200mm.
.Testing  items:  clarity,  color deviation

Equipment dimensions


With increasing requirement for mobile phone camera from the user, efficiency and  quality  control  of  manual  testing  already  can’t  satisf y manufacture’s demand. That’s why we research  and popularize this automatic operation and high efficiency equipment for testing  camera.

This camera testing equipment can simulate photographing environment and test  black  dot, bright  dot, uniformity, resolution, OIS and various other defects of the front and rear mobile phone cameras automatically.

Testing content
Near focus testing  of rear camera
.Distance between rear camera  and testing  char t is 100mm.
.Testing  items:  color reproduction, camera  displacement and rotation, focalization.

Far focus testing  of rear camera
.Distance between rear camera  and testing  char t is 310—340mm.
.By using prismatic lens, it can simulate to take picture away from 3-5m.
.Testing  items:  color reproduction, camera  displacement and rotation, focalization.

Photograph of front camera
.The front camera  is 300mm away from the testing  char t.
.Testing  items:  color reproduction, camera  displacement and rotation, focalization.

White board photograph of front camera
.Take picture  of the uniform white board.
.Testing  items:  black dot, black gobbet, abnormal picture, lightness uniformity, color temperature

Black board photograph of rear camera
.Take picture  of the black board.
.Testing  items:  bright  dot, bright  gobbet, abnormal picture

Black board photograph of front camera
.Take picture  of the black board.
.Testing  items:  bright  dot, bright  gobbet, abnormal picture

Flashlight testing  of rear camera  in near focus
.Turn on flashlight and use sensor  to test its brightness and color.

Gray card testing
.Adjust  the exposure.

White board photograph of rear camera
.Take picture  of the uniform white board.
.Testing  items:  black dot, black gobbet, abnormal picture, lightness uniformity, color temperature.

OIS testing
.Simulate vibration of X and Y axis by 1° and  take picture  away from 200mm.
.Testing  items:  clarity,  color deviation

Equipment dimensions

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