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Clouds rise, reduce hardware costs.

Date:2016/5/1  Click:5561
Cloud computing, popular point that occurs in a cloud computing resource allocation approach is based on the increase in Internet-related services, use and delivery models, usually involving the Internet to provide dynamic and easy scalable and often virtualized resources. For example, when users use Baidu search, complex search in Baidu data center computing occurs, the user just needs to send computer or mobile phone, and accept the return results, this is a cloud computing applications.
cloud from the world's largest search engine provider Google in 2007 first proposed. Although Prior to this, Google, Amazon, Salesforce, Zoho, etc. already in a lot of technologies and services practices, but put forward the concept of the entire ICT industry was still set off a firestorm. After several years of sustained development and promotion, and now, cloud computing has developed into a mature and advanced information technology and gradually evolved into industry trends, more and more IT companies increasingly focused its attention to the emerging cloud computing technology. Whether traditional or enterprise IT industry, are aware of: the rapid development of information today, do not cloud it means backward.
research director, IDC Storage Systems Natalya Yezhko said that more and more companies choose to use cloud technology to support its core business, and continue to increase investment in improving service and innovation. Currently, for most businesses and public organizations, cloud computing may not be available to the core business, but its core business operations and indispensable promoters. The rise of cloud services for the enterprises to create a lot of opportunities, allowing operators, managers have enough energy to focus on effectively enhance the core competitiveness, while reducing operating costs at the same time, take advantage of the flexibility of cloud computing technology will also bring business to a more substantial income.
It should be noted that aspects of cloud service providers and the hardware part of the basic software, application software customers need to buy or develop their own. Therefore, users may not be aware of cloud computing services, for traditional businesses, the application software running on a cloud computing platform, not only to transform secondary development according to the requirements of the hardware resource pools, and the performance of traditional architecture and high availability hardware also required to make up the software and operation and maintenance work. All this implies the need to invest more resources, otherwise it could lead to a recession IT capabilities.
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